The biggest support for the Great Freedom March comes from women

  • women
  • 11:30 7 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Women enthusiastically welcomed those who took part in the "Great Freedom March" and emphasized that their only demand is peace and that Abdullah Ocalan's freedom must be ensured for this.
The "Great Freedom March", which started from Wan and Qers on February 1 with demands for PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, is on its 7th day. Politicians and representatives of democratic mass organizations taking part in the march are welcomed with great enthusiasm and excitement in every center they pass through. Women and young people are among those who welcome the marchers. Women who welcomed the marchers in Erzirom's (Erzurum) Xinûs (Hınıs) and Mûş's (Muş) Gimgim (Varto) districts emphasized that they wanted to hear from Abdullah Ocalan.
Welcoming the marchers in Xinûs district, Mayide Kamış pointed out that her daughter Fidan Kamış has been held in prison for 10 years and said: "We want peace and tranquillity. Our children are in prison because they opposed the oppression. We want freedom for our children."
70-year-old Mother for Peace Makbule Istek, whose son is on a hunger strike in prison, said: "We want peace. We are so full that we don't know what to say anymore. My son has been sentenced to life imprisonment and has been held in a solitary cell for 10 years. Today is the Great Freedom March and everyone should stand up. All mothers should join. There has been no news from Mr. Ocalan for 3 years. His family and lawyers must visit him as soon as possible. This march will definitely bring freedom."
Meral Alagoz Imre, who was among those who welcomed the marchers, said: “Every prisoner has the right to meet with their family and lawyers. This is a legal right. Mr. Ocalan needs to meet with his lawyers as soon as possible. There must not be an increase in illegalities in this country. The Kurdish issue must be solved by democratic methods."
Pointing out that the district they live in is the land of Şêx Seîd, one of the Kurd leader, Imre said: "We call out from this land, 'Kurds have not and will not remain silent when they are insulted.' As a mother of two children, I do not want any mother's tears to flow anymore. That's why mothers should join this march. March needs to be protected. Peace must come to these lands as soon as possible. I wish success to the marchers."
Menice Ilık said: "I congratulate the marchers and wish them success. I hope that the march will achieve its goal. May the march lead to a permanent peace. We will not give up on this demand until peace comes."
Pointing out that there has been no news from Abdullah Ocalan for 3 years, Berivan Canbey said: "When Mr. Ocalan spoke, the conflicts stopped and people did not lose their lives. However, when the isolation was deepened, conflicts and deaths occurred. The aim of the march is Mr. Ocalan's physical freedom. This demand is also our demand. Mr. Ocalan is like a sun; since the sun does not shine, all people remain in darkness. All people know that there will be no peace, no lasting peace, without Mr. Ocalan."
Canbeyli continued as follows: "We wish success to the marchers. Today we marched together to offer them our support. Every step taken in this march is valuable. Kurds have paid a lot for a democratic life so far. Kurds are trying to build a new life not only for themselves, but for all humanity. This struggle has missed the dreams of the forces of capitalist modernity. The struggle of the Kurds with their supporters has upset the plans of the hegemonic powers. For this, Mr. Ocalan has been in prison for 25 years. We want to see Mr. Ocalan among us."